September 8, 2024

Large scale online business and website criteria

Our criteria for distinguishing large-scale online businesses are met if at least one of the following conditions is true:

1. Marketing Employee Count: The business employs a team of 7+ marketing professionals.

2. Content Inventory Size: The business's website features 500+ unique pages.

3. Link Building Spend: The organization spends $5,000+ monthly on link building.

4. CDP Utilization: The business utilizes Customer Data Platforms (CDP).

5. Automation Utilization: The business makes significant use of marketing automation.

6. Market Organization: The business operates in a red ocean global market, ranking among the top 30 players globally or top 10 locally

7. Big Data: The business possesses more data than it can effectively process and interpret.

These criteria ensure an evaluation of whether your business operates on a large scale online and determine if you are a great fit for us and we are the best match for you.

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