June 22, 2024

Limiting Initial Investments in Link Building - Our Experience

Greetings, Colleague!

Today, we are excited to share our experience in planning and executing link building strategies, specifically our "Rule for Limiting Initial Investments in Link Building."

For certain projects, we follow a principle: invest a specific amount, X, in link building for each page. We only invest more than X if the page's search rankings improve after the initial investment.

For example, on a project with 10 pages selected for link building, we set an investment limit of $600 per page. Initially, we secured backlinks worth $600 for each page, approximately 3 links at ~$200 each. In total, we spent $6000.

Over time, the rankings for 4 pages improved, while the other 6 did not.

According to our Rule, we continued acquiring backlinks only for the 4 pages that showed improvement. For the remaining 6 pages, we employed other SEO techniques.

This Rule is updated based on expert knowledge and currently lacks a specific formula for determining limits.

If you would like to share your own experiences or discuss ours, feel free to contact us.

CEO at Kaiiax


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